Russian Virtual Computer Museum. → Kraineva Irina Aleksandrovna
Kraineva Irina Aleksandrovna

November, 4, 1955, Novokuznetsk, Kemerovо obl.
Education: Tomsk State University, History Department (1973-1978)
Novosibirsk Museum of Regional Studies (1979-1998): methodologist, research officer, head of the exposition sector.
A.P. Ershov Institute of Informatics Systems (IIS), Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (from 1999), Scientific associate, VLSI CAD Laboratory.
Academic degree: Candidate of History (PhD, 2008), thesis «Academic Biography of Academician Andrey Petrovich Ershov», specialty 07.00.10 – History of science and engineering, Department of Resent National History, History Department Tomsk State University, superviser Doctor of History S.F. Fominykh.
2000-2007 – «Academician Andrey Ershov’s Digital Archive», project member
2005-2011– «Digital Photoarchive SB RAS», project coordinator
2012-2014 – «Open Archive SB RAS», scientific secretary
2009-2012 – academic secretary of the Academic Council of the SB RAS Museums, coordinator of the project «Data Portal of the SB RAS Museums»
2009 – IIS Conference «The History of Informatics in Siberia» (Novosibirsk academic secretary).
2011 – The Second International Conference on the History of Computers and Informatics in the Soviet Union and Russian Federation (SORUCOM-2011)», Novgorod the Great, academic secretary.
2014 – The Third International Conference on the History of Computers and Informatics in the Soviet Union and Russian Federation (SORUCOM-2014)», Kazan,, academic secretary
Academic interests: digital archives, the history of informatics, biographies.
The Main Publications:
- Formers Bulionkova A., M.A. Bulionkov M., Cheremnykch N., Krayneva I. Andrei Petrovich Ershov – uchenyi i chelovek [Academician Andrey Petrovich Ershov – a Scientist and a Person]. Novosibirsk, seriya «Nauka Sibiri v litcakh», 2006, 503 с.
- Krayneva I., Cheremnykh N. Biobibliografiia A.P. Ershova [A.P. Ershov’s Biobiblography]. Novosibirsk, 2009 г. 122 с.
- Krayneva I., Cheremnykh N. Academician Andrei Ershov and His Archive. Perspectives on Soviet and Russian Computing. First IFIP WG 9.7 Conference SoRuCom 2006, Petrozavodsk, Russia, July 3-7, 2006. Revised Selected Papers. J. Impagliazzo, E. Proydakov (Eds). Series: IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, v. 357, 2011. P.117-125.
- Krayneva I.A., Cheremnykh N.A. Put` programmista [The Path of Programmer]. Novosibirsk: Nauchnoe izdatel`stvo SO RAN, 2011. 222 с.
- Krayneva I.A., Marchuk A.G. Igor` Vasilievich Pottosin [Igor’ Vasilievich Pottosin]. Iz istorii novosibirskoi shkoly programmirovaniya (k 80-letiiu so dnia rozhdeniia). Vestneyk NGU, Seriya: matematika, mehanika, informatika. 2013, №1. С. 2-12.
- Krayneva I.A. Elektronnye arhivy Sibirskogo otdeleniya RAN: proekty 2000-2012 гг. [Digital Archives of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences]. Otechestvennye arhivy, 2013, №2, с. 36-43.
- Iurii Borisovich Rumer: Fizika, XX vek [Yuri Borisovich Rumer: Physics, XXth Century]: avt.-sost. I.A. Krayneva [i dr.]; otv. red. A.G. Marchuk; Ros. akad. nauk, Sib. otd-nie, In-t sistem informatiki im. A.P. Ershova. Novosibirsk: Izd-vo ≪ARTA≫, 2013. 592 с.
- Krayneva I.A. Iu.B. RUMER i «Delo fizikov» (aprel` 1938 - mai 1940 gg.) [Yu.B. Rumer and “A Case of Physicists” (April, 1938 – May, 1940)]. Vestneyk NGU, Seriya: istoriya, filologiya. 2014. Т.13, №1. С.97-107.
- Krayneva, I.A. Itogi Tret`ei mezhdunarodnoi konferentcii «Istoriia vychislitel`noi tekhniki i ее programmnogo obespecheniia v Rossii i stranakh byvshego SSSR: istoriia i perspektivy (SORUCOM-2014)». Kazan, 13-17 oktiabria 2014. / A.N.Tomilin, I.A. Krayneva, V.M. Tregubov, M.V. Tumbinskaia // Voprosy istorii estestvoznaniya i tekhniki. 2015, т. 36, №1, с. 173-180
- Marchuk A.G., Krayneva, I.A. Interdisciplinary interaction of exact sciences and humanities: Methodology and history// Computer Technology in Russia and in the Former Soviet Union (SoRuCom), 2014 Third International Conference on. Kazan, 13-17 Oct. 2014 рр.165-171. Publisher: IEEE. DOI:10.1109/SoRuCom.2014.44
- Krayneva I.A. Perepiska matematika A.A. Liapunova 1941–1945 gg. kak istochnik po istorii nauki i povsednevnosti v period Velikoi Otechestvennoi voiny [A.A. Lyapunov’s correspondence… 1941-1945] // Vestneyk TGU, 2015, 399. С. 97-105.
- Novosibirsk Programming School: A Historical Overview. A.G. Marchuk, F.A. Murzin, A.A. Bulyonkova, I.A. Krayneva. Bulletin NCC, Series Computer Science. IIS Special Issue, 2014. Vol. 37. P. 1-22.
Hobby: women’s memoirs, perfume bottles.
Published in museum, 30.12.2015