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Welcome to the Russian Virtual Computer Museum!

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Dear Visitors,

Welcome to our virtual museum, created by its director, Eduard Proydakov, and by a team of authors and editors. Here, we invite you to enter the wonderful world of computers and other high technologies created by human genius.

Our museum was founded at the very threshold of the 21st century, which was not by coincidence. Now, with all the described historical events, it is high time we “look back” while everything is still rather recent. Though a time keeps separating us from the past, the distance enables us to see its parts as a whole.

The founders of the museum are proud to have engaged several eminent protagonists from Soviet computer history to provide contributions, most of which are accessible to readers for the first time. About XXX scientists and engineers have actively participated – and continue to participate – in our collective work.

Unfortunately, the flow of time carries away more and more of their names from the moment to legends. Most of the letters, photographs, scientific reports, and other artefacts still contain some fragrance of life. However, their appearances are already developing sober characteristics of historical documentation.

The idea of our museum was born ten years ago. It grew from a simple principle – to develop a data bank on the origins and development of computers and computing, primarily the Soviet ones, to provide a proper framework and to make it accessible to all.

Our motto was born from the desire to preserve unique materials and to display clearly more than 50 years of our computing history – its rise and its fall. We have no intention to make judgements or generalizations. Our claim is quite modest – to be truthful chronologists. If one questions our personal interest, our answer is simply, “All this …out of respect of the past and the hope for the future”.

Please enjoy this historical experience.

Started by Eduard Proydakov in 1997
© Russian Virtual Computer Museum, 1997-2025