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Isaev Vladimir Petrovich

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Vladimir Petrovich Isaev (born: 14.08.1930, settlement Chern', in town of Tula area).

Expert in computer engineering and automated management systems.

From 1948 till 1953 Isaev – student of the Moscow Power Engineering Institute, where he studied, among others, foundations of electronic computer engineering. That was the USSR first university computer course; a special group of students was formed for that purpose.

In 1953 he was called up for military service. He was sent, as a young officer, to the -scientifically very advanced- Artillery Academy in Moscow, the faculty of missile weaponry.

That time the USSR first computer center (CC-1 of the USSR Ministry of Defense) was founded, according to a government directive. While it was just in process of establishing, Isaev was appointed there as electronic computer -military- expert. He served there since 1954 till 1972.

In 1957—1961 he participated in calculations on electronic digital computer “Strela”(Arrow), for rocket and space ballistic and other problems. Control of the world's first satellite “Sputnik” flight and Yuri Gagarin's pioneer space mission were among them.

In 1957—1959 designed complex of memory units for special purpose computer “M-100”, which performed control of anti-aircraft systems. Isaev developed architecture with a scratchpad cash-memory.

In 1960—1962 designed memory unit for special-purpose missile-control computer “Udar” (blow).

In 1963-1968 Isaev was leading designer and head of the USSR first mobile computer center established for army direct field control. It was also the first experience of complexing (interconnection) of similar computers, what increased performance and reliability of the whole system. Isaev also operated his computer system during the USSR, largest ever, army maneuvers “Dnepr” 1967 (river Dnieper).

In 1969-1970 Isaev headed complex scientific development project “Vega”, which was aimed at reviewing and evaluation of the army's perspective needs in computers; a set of methods was developed and a forecasted estimation given.

In 1970—1972 he participated in development of technical assignment for automated army force management system “Centre”.

In 1972—1975 was dispatched to the Scientific Research Institute “Voskhod” (sunrise) at the USSP Ministry of Radio-industry, where he participated in development of the automated information management system (“Complex-Contour” -CC), designed for the needs of governmental administration at national economy management.

In 1975-1981 attached to the CC customer's (i.e. - to the scientific and technological center at the USSR Council of Ministers administration), where he headed department of military-defense problems development works. Isaev authored and developed content of the CC problems. His results were used during the emergency works at Chernobyl and Spitak (Armenia) disasters.

Isaev also was an expert-representative of the USSR Council of Ministers at the State Committee on Scientific and Technical Relations at the Soviet union republics' task forces for Automated Management Systems; he coordinated their development, bringing them in correspondence with the CC basic problems.

In 1982 Vladimir Isaev retired. He left army services and, in 1982-1986, continued working, already as civil specialist, at the Main Information and Computing Centre of the USSR Ministry Electrotechnical Industry. There he was the chief designer of automated industrial control system (AICS) - “KCC” and AICS “Electro-3”.

In 1986-1998 he lectured at the Moscow G.V. Plekhanov Russian Economic University. He headed development and implementation of computer systems at the enterprises of defense industry, he designed information retrieval system for the USSR Supreme Council, data base for conversion projects, etc.

In 1968 Vladimir Isaev defended dissertation and received scientific degree “Candidate of Technical Sciences (doctorate)”. In 1971 he was awarded degree “Senior Scientific Collaborator” in cybernetics. He authored scientific articles in cybernetic encyclopedia “Automation of Industry” (1962—1965), in Big Soviet Encyclopedia (1969—1978).

Of course, he authored more works but they belonged to military (classified) field and could not be reviled publicly.

V.P. Isaev was awarded 10 medals and honorable title “Veteran of the USSR Armed Forces”.

In the last years of his life, he took active part in the work of the Council of the Virtual Computer Museum. We remember him as charming intelligent person and good friend.

Vladimir Petrovich Isaev died 1.09.2016 and is buried in Moscow.

Started by Eduard Proydakov in 1997
© Russian Virtual Computer Museum, 1997-2025