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Evgeny Andreevich Zhogolev

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Evgeny Andreevich Zhogolev was born on the 15 February of 1930 in a small town Sengiley near Ulyanovsk on Volga. In 1952 he graduated from the “Mechanics and Mathematic” department of the Moscow State University (MSU), where he received position of a scientific collaborator. In 1963 he received his first scientific degree “Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences” (PhD) and in 1983 was awarded a doctorate. Already in 1977 he received a “distinguished professorship” at the University (MSU). He has also received several State awards. In 1962 he was decorated with a special “Silver Medal of the State Exhibition of National Economic Achievements” for his participation in creation of small digital electronic computer SETUN'.

Scientific interests of E.A. Zhogolev were focused on programming systems, technologies of programming and software tool-systems. In 1954-1956 he participated in development of standard software for electronic computer M-2, designed and assembled by the team of young engineers led by academician I.S. Bruk[1]. In 1957-1959 he also took part in the work on standard programs (links editor) for the first serial computer STRELA. In 1957-1961 he worked out system of statements and basic software for the famous SETUN' the world's only ternary computer. Zhogolev performed that work in close collaboration with the computer's author N.P. Brusentsov[2]. Later he created multi-language system of modular programming SYMPR (SYstem of Modular PRogramming).

Zhogolev also authored the concept of “substantiated hyper-programming”, as a special family of instrumental programming systems. That was his original interesting innovation and he paid most close attention to this class of programs until the end of his life.

Evgeny Andreevich Zhogolev died in Moscow, on the 24 th of July 2003.

Zhogolev has worked at the MSU about half-century; he supervised there 15 candidate dissertations and 1 doctoral research work. He authored more then 100 scientific publications.


1. Isaak Semenovich Bruk (biography):

2. Nikolay Petrovich Brusentsov (biography) and more on SETUN':

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