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Russian Virtual Computer Museum.  → Kitov Vladimir Anatoljevich

Kitov Vladimir Anatoljevich

(born 28.09.1948 Moscow)

Permanent member of the Virtual Computer Museum's scientific council.

Basic speciality: programming, computers and automated control systems.

Scientific degree „Candidate of Technical Sciences (1979), academic rank “Seniour Scientific Collaborator” (1986).

In 1972 graduated from the faculty of automatics and computer engineering at the Moscow Power Engineering Institute, with qualification “Applied Mathematics”.

1972–1975 – programmer at the main computer centre of the USSR State Planning Commitee.

1975-1980 – chief of the software development department at the main computer centre of the USSR Ministry of Marine Fleet.

1980–1988 -chief of the computer networks and remote data processing department of the Central Scientific research Institute “Monolith“, the USSR Ministry of Defense Industry.

1988–1991 – head of the computer networks laboratory of the Institute of Cybernetics.

1991-2011 – worked at the companies DEC (USA), SIEMENS (Germany), “Tekhnoserv” (Russia), IBS (Russia), InnoWay (Russia), Fujitsu (Japan).

2011–2013 – supervised and participated in the scientific research “The History of National Informatics, Cybernetics, Computers and Automatic Control Systems” at the S.I. Vavilov's Institute of the History of Natural Sciences and Technics of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Since 2011 until now, at the G.V. Plechanov Russian Economic University, assistant professor and vice-head of the chair of Informatics.

V.A. Kitov headed development of software of the KOSPAS system for international space safety system (КОСПАС/SARSAT); of system and applied software for the USSR Ministry of Marine Fleet; system software “Multiterminal monitor Ob'”; operating information system “LISTER”; system of intercomputer information exchange for the USSR Ministry of Defense Industry; etc. Number of the software systems developed by V.A. Kitov's team was given to the All-Union state centre for algorithms and programs “Centreprogramsystem” and subsequently implemented at more than 250 Soviet industrial enterprises.

Author of 70 published works, among them 6 monographs (“Development and Operation of Real Time Systems”, “Implementation of PCs in Solving of Management Problems”, “Software for Remote Data Processing”, e-book "The President of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR M.V. Keldysh. 100 years since the birth” ( and of the Coursebook “System programming”.Contributed to the monograph “History of Computing” (Wien, Austria 2014) written by international team of European scientists.

Performed number of projects supported by Russian Foundation for Fundamental Researches. Made reports at the conferences: IFIP’2010 (Brisben, Australia) at the conference HISTELCOM’2011 (Madrid, Spain), at the congress AISB’2012, “Alan Turing – 100 years” (Birmingham, Great Britain), at the international congress fPET’2012 (Peking-Bejing PRC), at the conference “40th Anniversary TCP/IP” (Palo Alto, USA, 2014), at the European conference IT-STAR'2014 (Szeged, Hungary), HaPoC-2015 (Pisa, Italy)

Delivered lectures at the Tsinghua university (Peking, PRC, 2012) and at the university of defense technologies (Tshan Sha, PRC, 2012).

Member of the Scientific school on the national history. Participated in organization of computer history conferences SoRuCom-2011 (Novgorod) and SoRuCom-2014 (Kasan). Was The Deputy Chairman of the Organizing Committees of the IV-th and the V-th International conferences named A.I. Kitov “Information technology and mathematical methods in management and economics” (ITiMM-2014 & ITiMM-2015).

Member of the Scientific school on the national history.

Started by Eduard Proydakov in 1997
© Russian Virtual Computer Museum, 1997-2025