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Russian Virtual Computer Museum.  → Ladygin Igor Ivanovich

Ladygin Igor Ivanovich

(born 1940 Moscow)

Permanent member of the Virtual Computer Museum's scientific council.

Professor of the National Research University (Moscow Power-engineering Institute – MPEI).

In 1964 I.I. Ladygin graduated from the faculty of automation and computer engineering (MPEI) and remained at the institute (now – university) where received a position of engineer at the chair of computer engineering.

His practical work began with participation in design of the USSR first addressless computer BETA-65. After that he took part in development of fail-over protection means for computer V-900 and himself devised operating ferrite cubes based memory unit for information redundancy reduction device.

For this project he was decorated with a bronze medal of the USSR Exhibition of the National Economic Achievements.

In 1975 defended dissertation, received degree “Candidate of Technical Sciences” and began lecturing (at the MPEI). Beside teaching, took part in establishing and equipping of new educational computer laboratory. In 1981 received a degree of assistant professor.

From 1978 till 2000 worked as the vice chief of the chair. In 1998 was elected as professor of the chair and in 2000 – 2006 was the chief of the chair of computers, computing systems and networks.

Took part in organization of preparations and training of foreign students (in English) for subsequent learning at MPEI.

Ladygin introduced in curriculum new courses of lectures: “Increasing Reliability of Computers”, “Computation Systems”, “Distributed Computing”.

He himself created new software and methodical materials for university's educational laboratories for series of students' researches on reliability of computing systems. Logical and probability methods, statistical algorithms and modeling on time intervals were implemented in them for intermediate analysis of obtained reliability characteristics.

He also published 5 course-books and 12 collections of educational descriptions and manuals for laboratory researches. Complex electronic (computer based) courseware set “Computing Systems” was among them.

I.I. Ladygin has been working as a lecturer more than 40 years. Since 1985 he was also a supervisor of scientific researches on fail-over protection of new computing systems.

He authored altogether more than 150 scientific publications, reports at international and national conferences, and also supervised preparation of several dissertation researches for “Candidate of Sciences” degree.

From 1988 till 2005 I.I. Ladygin was the scientific secretary of the university council for doctoral dissertations. In 2007, on his initiative, new research Centre of Supercomputer Technologies was established at the MPEI, and he is the head of this center.

For his pedagogical contribution to preparing of new specialists Ladygin was awarded the MPEI premium “Honour and Recognition from Generations”.

Started by Eduard Proydakov in 1997
© Russian Virtual Computer Museum, 1997-2025