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M-50 Computer

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  1. Special-purpose M-50 computer.
  2. Chief designer: S. A. Lebedev, academician; deputy chief designer: V. S. Burtsev.

    Development engineers: A. S. Krylov, L. F. Krylova, G. M. Orlov, V. M. Sokolov, Yu. N. Sinelnikov, S. E. Kazansky, V. Ulinsky, V. I. Ryzhov, Yu. V. Nikitin, V. F. Petrov, E. M. Nesterov, Yu. Kh. Sakhin, V. M. Pivnenko, V. I. Marakhovsky, S. G. Karabutov, A. G. Laut, M. F. Velikovsky, V. Ya. Gorshtein, M. P. Tikhonova, E. A. Krivosheyev, V. S. Chunaev, E. M. Nesterov, V. S. Aleksandrov, V. P. Razroyev, O. K. Gushchin, P. I. Kozulin.

  3. Designing organization: Institute of Precise Mechanics and Computer Engineering (ITMiVT) of the USSR Academy of Sciences.
  4. Completion of development: 1959.
  5. Description: modification of M-40 computer designed as a universal machine. Dual-machine computer system based on M-40 and M-50 models was used to process the data of full-scale tests.

    Representation of numbers - floating point.

  6. Element base: vacuum tubes, ferrite cores, transistors and solid-state diodes.
  7. Design: modular, with small blocks.
Started by Eduard Proydakov in 1997
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