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Russian Virtual Computer Museum.  → Malashevich Boris Mikhailovich

Malashevich Boris Mikhailovich

born 23.06.1941, town Alma-Ata Kazakh SSR (now Almaty Kazakhstan)

Permanent member of the Virtual Computer Museum's scientific council.

Basic speciality Computer Engineering and Microelectronics.

In 1966 B.M. Malashevich graduated from the Kazakh Polytechnic Institute (Alma-Ata) with speciality “Mathematical Computing Instruments and Devices”.

In 1967-1968 he worked at the electromechanical plant in town of Zagorsk, first as engineer-adjuster then as engineer of assembling and releasing section.

In 1969-1970 service at the Soviet Army.

Since 1971 has been living and working in town Zelenograd (Moscow area).

1971-1976 was a senior engineer, chief of laboratory at a special computing center. Participated in development of supercomputers “5E53”, “41-50”, and minicomputer “Electronica NC-1”. Also participated in development of theoretical principles of designing the family of original microprocessor sets family (series 587, 588, 1883, 1802).

In 2005 initiated and organized (together with academician B.M. Amerbaev) International Jubilee Scientific-technical conference “50 years of Modular Arithmetic”. This arithmetic was realized in practice in the mentioned supercomputers.

From 1976 up to dissolving (in 1991) the USSR Ministry of Electronic Industry B.M. Malashevich worked as the chief of its industrial branches laboratories, chief of the ministerial department of Microprocessors and Microprocessor (based) Computer Engineering Means, vice-chairman of the council of chief designers (microelectronics branch) and as the chief designer on microelectronic devices system compatibility.

Was in charge of the microelectronic devices development organization on basis of complex target programs, and was engaged in solving the problems of system compatibility of his branch devices with production of other enterprises. He was a member of number of interministerial working commissions on unification of the computer production.

In 1994—2012 – chief expert of the joint stock company “Angstrem”. Co-author of the programs of modernization and development of the “Angstrem” enterprise.

From 2012 – adviser of the president of joint company “Synergenta”, Zelenograd.

B.M. Malashevich actively conducts researches and publications on the history of Soviet microelectronics and computing.

He supported and continued publication of the historical series “Essays on the History of Russian Electronics” (it was initiated and started by B.M. Proleiko). He himself initiated publication of series of biographical books “Founders of the National Electronics”. B.M. Malashevich also participated in preparation of a number of other books on national computer history.

He authored altogether about 150 various publications (including 3 monographs and more than 30 descriptions for technical standards).

He is actively working at the Scientific Council of the Virtual Computer Museum and publishes his books and articles on the museum's site.

B.M. Malashevich is decorated with medals: “For Military Valour”, “In commemoration of the 100 years of V.I. Lenin's birth” (1970), “The Veteran of Labour” (1990) and with three medals of the (USSR central) “Exhibition of the National Economic Achievements” (1981, 1983 and 1987).

Also awarded with the title “Honorable Worker of the Electronic Industry” (1991).

Started by Eduard Proydakov in 1997
© Russian Virtual Computer Museum, 1997-2025