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Russian Virtual Computer Museum.  → Proydakov Eduard Mikhailowich

Proydakov Eduard Mikhailowich

(born. 2.12.1948 )

Founding director of the „Russian Virtual Computer Museum”.

Founder and permanent member of the museum's scientific council.

Chief analytical of the non-commercial organisation “Modernisation” – Centre of Assistance for Economy Modernisation and Technological Development. Member of the Union of Russian Journalists and the Moscow Union of Journalists (since 2004).

Worked as an expert at the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (of the East European countries) and at some other Russian governmental organisations.

1972 Graduated from the Moscow State University of Land Management and also from the Moscow State Institute of Electronics and Mathematics, as “Engineer-mathematician, system programmer”.

1980-1984 Chief of the scientific researches automatisation department at the Institute of Control Problems (USSR Academy of Sciences).

1984-1986 Headed the Laboratory of Translators at the Institute of Electronic Control Machinery Moscow.

1986-1889 Chief of the laboratory of information systems of the All-Union Scientific-Research Institute for Medical Instrument Engineering.

Since 1991 worked as scientific editor of the weekly “Computer-World Moscow”.

Since 1992 chief editor of the magazine “The World of PC”, 1995-2005 chief editor of the magazine “PC week/Russian Edition”, later, until 2009, editorial director of IT group publications at the “SK Press” publishing house.

Since January 2013 also chief-lecturer at the G.V. Plekhanov Russian Economic University.

Speaks English and Polish languages. In the 1980s worked as freelance translator at the English editorial of the All-Union Centre for Scientific and Technical translations. In parallel was working as freelance lecturer on programming at several technical universities of Moscow.

Translated several books on programming, co-author of the “English-Russian Dictionary on Computing, Internet and Programming” (35000 dictionary items, was published in 1998, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2015 in Russia and in 2004 and 2006 in Ukraine).

Author of numerous articles on magazines and electronics issues.

Started by Eduard Proydakov in 1997
© Russian Virtual Computer Museum, 1997-2025