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Russian Virtual Computer Museum.  → Smolevitskaya Marina Ernestovna

Smolevitskaya Marina Ernestovna

(born 22.10.1954 Moscow)

Permanent member of the Virtual Computer Museum's scientific council.

Marina Smolevitskaya is a senior scientific collaborator of the Moscow Polytechnic Museum, at its department “Computing Machinery”. She is also a curator of the museum's collection “Electronic Digital Computers”, a member of the museum's historical scientific and technical artefacts Expert Council and a member of its commission on funds and purchasing.

In 1976 she graduated from the N.E. Baumann Moscow Higher Technical School (university) with qualification “Automated Control Systems”, and then worked at the All-Union Scientific-research Institute of Control Problems.

Marina Smolevitskaya has been working at the Moscow Polytechnic Museum since 1998. She is permanently engaged in propaganda of the national computers and computations development history, and in dessimination of knowledge on their applications and their creators. She regularly issues historical, printed and other, media publications, makes presentations at thematic conferences, and conducts educational excursions “The World of Computers”, “The project ahead of its Time”, “Creative Abilities of Computers” authored by herself.

Marina Smolevitskaya is the author of the museum's expositions: “The Founders of National Computing” and “The History of Personal Computers and Multimedia Technologies”. She has authored all scientific documentation for them.

She is also the co-author of the section “Digital Electronic Computers” in the new conception of the Polytechnic Museum's work.

Marina Smolevitskaya authored more than 30 scientific publications.

Started by Eduard Proydakov in 1997
© Russian Virtual Computer Museum, 1997-2025