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Electronic Digital Computer URAL-2 (Урал-2)

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  1. Chief designer – B.I. Rameev (Rameev Bashir Iskanderovich).
  2. Leading assistant designers: A.N. Nevskiy, V.I. Mukhin, A.I. Pavlov, A.G. Kalmykov, G.S. Smirnov, A.S. Gorshkov, L.N. Bogoslovskiy, M.N. Knyazev, O.F. Lobov.
  3. Organisation in charge of the project and design: Penza Scientific Research Institute of Controlling Computers.
  4. Producing plant: Penza Plant of Computing Analytic Machines (under the USSR Ministry of Instrumentation and Automation Means \MIAM\).
  1. Completion of the design (year):                  1959.
  2. Beginning of the serial production (year):    1959.
  3. Finishing the serial production (year):           1964.
  4. Application field: solving of broad range of mathematic problems at computing centres, scientific research institutes, design bureaus and industrial enterprises.
  5. Number of produced computers:                  139 pieces.

(computer structure, architecture and peripheral devices)

URAL-2 – computer with one-address binary arithmetic and a fixed point. Word length – 40 bit (one number or two statements). Computer had parallel structure. Ferrite core RAM.

URAL-2 consisted of the following units:


Electron-valve circuits (mainly 6Н8 valves), diode-resistor gates.

Design and configuration

It basically repeated URAL-1. Upper parts of the rack cabinets in the computer main section were filled with valve cells, lower parts – with power supply blocks.

Computer manufacturing technologies

Traditional technologies of mechanical processing, processing of synthetic materials and assembly. Principle novelties were introduced into technology of the ferrite core storage and peripheral devices.


Testing programs and control tasks.

Basic technical and operational data

Electric supply – three phase alternating current net with 380/220V and frequency 50 Hz. Stable operation within the voltage changing range from 195V to 240V. Stability of voltage is maintained by three-phase stabiliser with magnetic control of 30 kWA. Required premises (within one room) 90-100 sq m.

Specific features of the computer

Ferrite core memory provided increasing of performance. Magnetic drum storage also expanded possibilities of the computer efficient implementation in scientific and engineering computations.

Translated by A. Nitussov

Started by Eduard Proydakov in 1997
© Russian Virtual Computer Museum, 1997-2025