Жизнь и труды Чарльза Бэббиджа и Ады Августы Лавлейс
Составитель Ю. Л. Полунов
- Апокин И. А., Мастров Л. Е., Эдлин И. С. Чарльз Бэббидж (1791-1871) // М.: Наука, 1979.
- Гутер Р. С., Полунов Ю. Л. Чарльз Бэббидж // М.: Знание, 1973.
- Babbage's Calculating Engines: A Collection of Papers by Henry Prevost Babbage (1889) // Reprint MIT Press, 1984.
- Baum J. The Calculating Passion of Ada Byron // Archon Books, 1986.
- Buxton H. W. Memoir of the Life and Labors of the Late Charles Babbage Esq. F. R. S. // MIT Press, 1987.
- The Works of Charles Babbage. By ed. M. Campbell-Kelly (in 11 v.) // Pickering & Chatto, 1989.
- Collier B., MacLachlan J. Charles Babbage: And the Engines of Perfection // Oxford University Press, 1998.
- Donnelly J. A modern difference engine: Software simulators for Charles Babbage?s difference engine no. 2 // Armstrong Pub. Co., 1992.
- Dotzler, Bernhard (Hrg.) Babbages Rechen-Automaten // Springer Verlag, 1996.
- Halacy D. S. Charles Babbage, Father of the Computer // Macmillan Publ. Co., 1970.
- Hyman A. Charles Babbage : Pioneer of the Computer // Princeton University Press, 1985.
- Hyman A. (Ed.) Science & Reform: Selected Works of Charles Babbage // Cambridge University Press, 1989.
- Keen D. W. The Author of the Analytical Engine // Thompson Book Co. 1996.
- Lindgren M. Glory and Failure: The Difference Engines of Johann Muller, Charles Babbage, and Georg and Edvard Sheutz // MIT Press, 1990.
- Moore D. L. Ada, Countess of Lovelace // John Murray Books, 1977.
- Charles Babbage on the Principles and Development of the Calculator and Other Seminal Writings by Charles Babbage. By ed. E. Morrison // Dover Publ., 1961.
- Moseley M. Irascible genius: A life of Charles Babbage, inventor // Hutchinson Publ., 1964.
- Sherman J. Charles Babbage & The Story of The First Computer (Uncharted, Unexplored, & Unexplained) // Mitchell Lane Publ., 2005.
- Slobodien I. Doing Our Babbage // Ilex Press, 1992.
- Cultural Babbage: Technology, Time & Invention. By ed. F. Spufford, J. Uglow // Faber, 1998.
- Stein D. Ada: A Life and a Legacy // MIT Press, 1985.
- Swade D. The Difference Engine: Charles Babbage and the Quest to Build the First Computer // Penguin Books, 2002.
- Swade D. Charles Babbage and His Calculating Engines // Science Museum of London, 1991.
- Swade D. The Cogwheel Brain: Charles Babbage & the Quest To Build The First Computer // Little, Brown Publ., 2000.
- Toole B. A. Ada, the Enchantress of Numbers: Prophet of the Computer Age // Critical Connection, 1998.
- Ada, the Enchantress of Numbers: A Selection from the Letters of Lord Byron?s Daughter and Her Description of the First Computer. By ed. B. A. Toole // Critical Connection, 1998.
- Wade M. D. Ada Byron Lovelace: The Lady and the Computer // Dillon Press, 1994.
- Woolley B. The Bride of Science: a Life of Ada Lovelace: Romance, Reason and Byron?s Daughter // Pan Macmillan Australia, 2000.
Статья опубликована 22.11.2005 г.