Книги по истории компании Microsoft
Составитель Ю. Л. Полунов
- Andrews P. How the Web was Won: Microsoft from Windows to the Web — The inside story of how Bill Gates and his band of Internet idealists transformed a Software Empire // Broadway Books, 1999.
- Auletta K. World War 3.0: Microsoft and Its Enemies // Random House, 2001.
- Bank D. Breaking Windows: How Bill Gates Fumbled the Future of Microsoft // Free Press, 2001.
- Carter K. Microsoft in the Mirror: Nineteen Insiders Reflect on the Experience // Pennington Books, 2002.
- Gates W., Myhrvold N., Rinearson P. The Road Ahead // Viking, 1995 (Гейтс Б., Мирвольд Н., Райнарсон П. Дорога в будущее. Пер. с англ. // М.: Русская редакция, 1996).
- Gates W. Business at Light Speed // Viking, 1999 (Гейтс Б. Бизнес со скоростью мысли. Пер. с англ. // М.: Эксмо, 2000).
- Cusmano M. A., Selby R. W. Microsoft Secrets: How the World?s Most Powerful Software Company Creates Technology, Shapes Markets & Manages People // Free Press, 1995.
- Dickinson J. D. Bill Gates: Billionaire Computer Genius (People to Know) // Enslow Publ., 1997.
- Edstrom J., Eller M. Barbarians Led by Bill Gates: Microsoft from the Inside // Henry Holt & Co., 1998.
- Eisenach J., Lenard T. Competition, Innovation & the Microsoft Monopoly: Antitrust in the Digital Marketplace // Kluwer Books, 1999.
- Gatlin J. Bill Gates: The Path To The Future // Avon Books, 1999.
- Heilemann J. Pride Before The Fall: The Trials of Bill Gates & The End of the Microsoft Era // HarperCollins, 2001.
- Hirshleifer J., Liebowitz S. J., E. Margolis S. E. Winners, Losers & Microsoft // Independent Institute Publ., 2001.
- Ichbiah D., Knepper S. L. The Making of Microsoft: How Bill Gates and His Team Created the World?s Most Successful Software // Prima Publ., 1993 (Ичбиа Д., Кнеппер С. Билл Гейтс и сотворение Microsoft. Пер. с англ. // Ростов-на Дону: Феникс, 1997).
- Liebowitz S. J., Margolis S. E. Winners, Losers & Microsoft: Competitions & Antitrust in High Technology // Independent, 1999.
- Lesinski J. M. Bill Gates: Biography // Lerner Publ., 2000.
- Gates Speaks: Insight from the World?s Greatest Entrepreneur. // By ed. J. Lowe // John Wiley & Sons, 1998.
- Manes S., Andrews P. Gates: How Microsoft?s Mogul Reinvented an Industry — and Made Himself the Richest Man in America // Touchstone Books, 1994.
- Maxwell F. A. Bad Boy Ballmer: The Man Who Rules Microsoft // William Morrow, 2002.
- McKenzie R. Trust on Trial: How the Microsoft Case is Re-framing the Rules of Competition // Perseus Publ., 2000.
- Raatma L. Bill Gates: Computer Programmer and Entrepreneur // Ferguson Publ. Co., 2000.
- Rivlin G. The Plot to Get Bill Gates: An Irreverent Investigation of the World?s Richest Man and the People Who Hate Him // Times Books, 1999.
- Rohm W. The Microsoft File: The Secret Case Against Bill Gates // Times Books, 1998.
- Charnan S. Bill Gates: Helping People Use Computers // Childrens Press, 1997.
- Slater R. Microsoft Rebooted: How Bill Gates and Steve Ballmer Reinvented Their Company // Portfolio Books, 2004.
- Stross R. The Microsoft Way: The Real Story of How the Company Outsmarts Its Competition // Addison-Wesley, 1996.
- Takahashi D. Opening the Xbox: Inside Microsoft?s Plan to Unleash an Entertainment Revolution // Prima, 2002.
- Tsang C. D. The Microsoft First Generation // John Wiley & Sons, 1999.
- Wallace J., Erickson J. Hard Drive: Bill Gates & the Making of the Microsoft Empire // HarperBusiness, 1993.
- Wallace J. Overdrive: Bill Gates & the Race to Control Cyberspace // John Wiley & Sons, 1998.
- Zachary G. P. Showstopper! The Breakneck Race to Create Windows NT and the Next Generation at Microsoft // Warner Books, 1996.
Статья опубликована 22.11.2005 г.